It is a matter of pride to say few words regarding the fastest growing Pediatric Hemato-Oncology sub-specialty of Indian Academy of Pediatrics. It was during Silver Jubilee Year of IAP (XXIV national Conference of IAP at Madras) had taken decision to initiate sub-specialty chapters. Pediatric Hemato-Oncology group did not lose any time and this chapter was conceived and the foundation of this chapter was laid during the proceedings on 11th October 1987 with the following objectives.
  1. To encourage and advance the knowledge and practice of Hematology Oncology in India.
  2. To organize conference, lectures, seminars, and exhibitions etc.
  3. To cooperate and affiliate with other bodies with similar aims in the interest of Pediatric Hematology Oncology.
  4. To bring a newsletter to increase the awareness and publish the advances in this field at National and International level in the interest of our members.
  5. To provide and encourage research in field of Hematology oncology in India.

The IAP PHO chapter was a dream conceived by a few now senior paediatricians that came to fruition at the National IAP meeting. Drs Lokeshwar, Raj Warrier, Purna Kurkure were the core group that set up the initial meeting and the first office bearers Dr P.N. Krishnamurthy, Dr Durairajan and Dr Lokeshwar were the unanimous nominees.

That small gathering in a side room of the then Adayar Sheraton in Madras was the forerunner that has now become one of the most vibrant IAP sub chapters. We all should be grateful to the Presidents, office bearers and members for working hard to nurture and grow that infant organization to what it is today. Let us hope and pray that growth and development continue so that we able to help children with cancer and blood disorders for years to come.

Dr. T. Darairajan was nominated as its first President and P.N. Krishnamurti was nominated as Vice President. Dr. M.R. Lokeshwar became the founder secretary and editor of the chapter. In this sub-specialty, the Pediatrician interested in the field of Pediatric Oncology, Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Nutritional Anemia and other blood disorders became the members of this of this sub specialty. Dr. M.R. Lokeshwar the founder secretary had vision, goal and worked hard sincerely with commitment and with focused direction laid the solid foundation of this chapter.

He initiated the newsletter within three months of the formation of the chapter. In the first editorial the editor stated the objective of the newsletter. We hope to provide you thought provoking reading material, recent advances and newer techniques in haematology and oncology. We look forward to your cooperation and commitment to improve the quality of the newsletter. Subsequently all the editors have stuck to the same ideology. From the very first newsletter apt. title has remained Blood Sustains Life Charak Sahita 24-4 6th Century AD. The Apt title was truth of life i.e. Blood sustains life, and without this life will not be in existence.

Subsequently all the presidents and secretaries worked with commitment, dedication to pursue the objectives of the PHO chapters. This body grew leaps and bound and became the leading chapter of IAP. It was evident as the PHO Chapter was awarded best chapter by the IAP several times. PHO newsletter became very popular and on request of members PHO review was published of the first ten years by then the dynamic secretary Dr. Bharat Agarwal. He initiated cooperation with SIOP in pursuance of the objectives of the chapter. A memorandum of understanding was signed between SIOP and PHO chapter of IAP. A concept of National Training Project was conceived and SIOP gave substantial assistance for several years for this project. An extensive two days training programme was formulated to provide training after extensive discussions with experts from SIOP and National experts at Mumbai. The training module included lectures, practical, skill stations and interactive sessions. A reference manual was published to serve as reference textbook for Practical Pediatric Oncology course. This first trainer workshop was held in Mumbai in 1997 under the Chairmanship of Dr. V.P. Choudhry. Dr. V.P. Choudhry remarked that these workshops will provide adequate information to our fellow colleagues to provide state of art of care of children with cancer. Such a movement will improve the long-term survival of children affected with various cancers. Subsequently similar workshops were held every year in five regions of our country to improve the care of children with cancer. This movement became a national movement and achieved unprecedented growth. Success of such an effort evident as PHO chapter was awarded SIOP Award for 2002. Second manual was published after complete revision and its updating in the year 2002. Common set of slides were made to keep the uniformity of training and discussions in various training programme throughout the country. Prof. Sverre O Lie, President SIOP (1997-99) of International Society of Pediatric Oncology, who strongly believes that cancer in children is potentially curable and provided all the possible help with the objective. To reach and help more children with cancer in India. A common protocol was initiated which could provide the best care for children with cancer. The bonds of understanding grew further between SIOP and PHO and Pediatric Hemato-Oncology conference were held jointly in India with the following objectives (a) to provide state of art information to Pediatricians for treatment of various cancers in children (b) to develop low cost protocols for management (c) to improve the care of children with cancer and (d) to identify group which could work for various cancer in this country. Bonds of cooperation between PHO & SIOP grew further. First SIOP-ASIA Conference was held at Delhi. Our dynamic secretary Dr. Bharat Agarwal was elected as President of SIOP-ASIA.

Growth of this chapter has been unmatched over the years. This has resulted an improved care of children with various haematological disorders in this country. I am confident that growth of this chapter will continue to grow and this chapter will play major role at the National and International level in forming the policies and developments of health care delivery system for welfare of children in this country. Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Society of Bangladesh has followed the pattern and activities of PHO. Long Live our PHO-Chapter.